» Agreement on Government Procurement Countries
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Agreement on Government Procurement Countries

Agreement on Government Procurement Countries: An Overview

The Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) is a plurilateral agreement that aims to promote fair, transparent, and open procurement processes among its member countries. The agreement was first signed in 1979 and has since been revised several times, the latest being in 2014. Currently, 20 countries are parties to the agreement. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the GPA, its member countries, and the benefits of being a party to the agreement.

What is the GPA?

The GPA is a legally binding agreement that sets out the rules and principles governing the procurement of goods and services by government entities of its member countries. It aims to ensure that procurement processes are conducted in an open, transparent, and non-discriminatory manner, and that all eligible suppliers have an equal opportunity to participate in government procurement. The agreement also encourages its member countries to use electronic procurement tools to increase efficiency and reduce costs.

Member Countries of the GPA

As of June 2021, there are 20 parties to the GPA. These are:

1. Aruba

2. Canada

3. Chinese Taipei

4. European Union (including its 27 member states)

5. Hong Kong, China

6. Iceland

7. Israel

8. Japan

9. Liechtenstein

10. New Zealand

11. Norway

12. Singapore

13. Switzerland

14. Republic of Korea

15. Ukraine

16. United Kingdom

17. United States

18. Australia (accession negotiations pending)

19. Moldova (accession negotiations pending)

20. North Macedonia (accession negotiations pending)

Benefits of Being a Party to the GPA

Access to Government Procurement Markets: Being a party to the GPA gives eligible suppliers from other member countries access to government procurement markets that they may not have had otherwise. This means that businesses have a greater chance of winning government contracts in foreign markets, which can help to boost profits and create jobs.

Transparency and Accountability: The GPA promotes fair and transparent procurement practices, which helps to reduce corruption and increase accountability. Governments are required to publish information about their procurement processes, including tenders, bid evaluations, and contract awards. This makes it easier for suppliers to see how contracts are awarded and to identify potential opportunities for them to bid for.

Non-Discrimination: The agreement requires that government entities do not discriminate against suppliers based on their nationality or country of origin. This means that all eligible suppliers have an equal opportunity to participate in government procurement processes.


The GPA is an important agreement that promotes fair and transparent procurement practices among its member countries. By opening up government procurement markets to eligible suppliers from other member countries, the agreement creates opportunities for businesses to expand their operations and create jobs. Additionally, the agreement promotes transparency and accountability, reducing corruption and promoting good governance. As such, it’s easy to see why so many countries are interested in joining the GPA.


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